4 research outputs found

    Micro adénome à prolactine à l’âge de la ménopause

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    L'adénome à prolactine est rare chez la femme âgée. Le tableau clinique peut être confondu avec les manifestations de la ménopause, rendant son diagnostic parfois difficile. Nous rapportons une observation sur les particularités d'un micro adénome à prolactine survenant chez une femme âgée de 57 ans, qui a présenté une aménorrhée secondaire sans bouffées de chaleur associée à une galactorrhée évoluant depuis 2 ans. L’examen physique confirme la galactorrhée et la biologie montre une hyperprolactinémie à 2735 mUI /L, FSH = 15,1 UI/L et LH = 4,1UI/L. L’IRM hypophysaire montre un adénome gauche de 8mm. L'évolution sous traitement dopaminergique était marqué par la reprise transitoire des cycles et apparition de bouffées de chaleur, normalisation de la prolactinémie et diminution de la taille de l'adénome.Mots clés: Prolactinome, péri ménopause, agoniste dopaminergiqueEnglish Title: Prolactin-secreting microadenoma in menopausal womenEnglish AbstractProlactin-secreting adenoma is rare in elderly women. Patient’s clinical picture may be confused with that of menopause, making diagnosis sometimes difficult. We report the case of a 57-year old woman with a 2-year history of secondary amenorrhea without hot flushes associated with galactorrhea in order to highlight the peculiarities of prolactin-secreting microadenomas. Physical examination confirmed the diagnosis of galactorrhoea and biology showed hyperprolactinemia at mIU/L, FSH = 15.1 IU/L and LH = 4,1 IU/L. Pituitary MRI showed left adenoma measuring 8 mm. Patient’s evolution under dopaminergic treatment was marked by the recovery, for a transitional period, of mestrual cycles and the occurrence of hot flushes, normalization of prolactin levels and reduction of adenoma size.Keywords: Prolactinoma, perimenopause, dopaminergic agonis

    Assessment of the validity of self-reported smoking status among schoolchildren in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Introduction: Tobacco use, which begins in adolescence and childhood and continues in later life, is the major avoidable risk for non-communicable diseases and death in the world. Self-reports have frequently been used to estimate smoking prevalence and health consequences. This study explores the validity of self-reports of smoking behavior among schoolchildren in Tunisia. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in March 2014 among a sample of 147 schoolchildren randomly selected. Data concerning the smoking habit were collected by a questionnaire designed for the purposes of this work. Then, exhaled CO, a biochemical marker of smoke exposure, was measured using piCO+ Smokerlyzer® breath CO monitor among participants. Sensitivity and specificity of self-reports were calculated. Results: The prevalence of reported smoking was 9.5% with 16.7% and 1.7% respectively among boys and girls. Their mean age was 14.5±1.28 years old. When considering 4 ppm as the cut-off level of breath CO, sensitivity and specificity of self-reports were 100% and 93.7%, respectively. But at a breath CO cut-off of 3 ppm, self-reporting was 62.5% sensitive and 93.5% specific. Conclusion: According to our findings, we suggest that self-reports can be considered as a good tool to be used with a reasonable confidence to assess the smoking status

    Challenges and results of a school-based intervention to manage excess weight among school children in Tunisia 2012-2014

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    Obesity is a serious health issue and predisposes individuals to an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Its prevalence in children has increased worldwide

    Challenges and results of a school-based intervention to manage excess weight among school children in Tunisia 2012-2014

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    AbstractBackground: Obesity is a serious health issue and predisposes individuals to an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Its prevalence in children has increased worldwide. Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of a school-based management program based on healthy lifestyle promotion for obese and overweight adolescents in Sousse, Tunisia. Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental study among overweight and obese school children enrolled in 7th and 8th grades in Sousse, Tunisia with two groups, intervention and control. The 1-year intervention was based on promoting healthy eating and physical activity through a collective intervention for all recruited children and an individual intervention only for obese children who require intensive managing. Data collection was done before, at the end and at a 4-month follow up of the intervention, both in intervention and control groups. Results: The body mass index Z score decreased significantly from pre-intervention to post-intervention (1.89±0.57 to 1.76±0.63, p<0.001) and from post-intervention to the follow-up (1.76±0.63 to 1.55±0.68, p<0.001) in the intervention group. In the control group, it decreased significantly from pre-intervention to post-intervention but not significantly from post-intervention to follow-up assessment. Calorie intake decreased significantly both in intervention and control groups. Conclusion: This project began with introducing a new culture of health management in schools on one side and with increasing awareness of the importance of obesity prevention and treatment. The support of authorities for this type of action is very important to guarantee its sustainability